Paihau-Robinson Research Institute

Vacuum Chamber

Paihau-Robinson Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington recently purchased a piece of specialty testing equipment, used to take measurements at very low pressures (i.e. in a vacuum). The vacuum chamber system is large, at roughly 1m in diameter, with multiple removable sections.

The measurement systems and testing apparatus inside the chamber are extremely sensitive, making them very susceptible to damage. Due to the size and weight of the removable section, Paihau-RRI needed a safe and controlled way to remove and re-install the chamber end, without causing damage to the sensitive equipment. The previous process relied on manual labour and excessive time in order to go through the process safely.

Globex and Paihau-RRI engineers worked together to design a custom carrier system that allows the end section of the rig to slide away from the main chamber with minimal effort. We also ensured that the motion was well controlled to avoid unwanted knocks. There were a wide range of design parameters to deal with; we needed to ensure adjustability, easy and maintenance free operation, and the ability to withstand earthquake loading scenarios.

This rig has achieved the outcome we wanted. Making our large 3m3 vacuum chamber one person operable with a 1 hour turnaround time. When combined with our in-house software and electrical systems it is also intrinsically safe for both staff and students to use. This is a vast improvement from the 3-4 person and 3 h turnaround time required previously.
— Dr. Emile Webster - Senior Engineer, Paihau-Robinson Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington

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